Life On Art

Exhibiting Artists

Meet the Artists

  • Teresa Worley

    Teresa discovered the transformative power of art through her own personal-healing journey. Artmaking became a lifeline, a form of expression, and a means of solace and strength. Now, she aims to inspire others to do the same.

  • Ron Sumner

    Ron made a career as an illustrator, and is now a full time painter, focusing on sea & landscapes, horses, and West Coast birds. Ron is part of an art collective in Healdsburg, called Upstairs.

  • Barry Maahsen

    Barry's lived 80 years on this planet leading an unconventional life that includes being a navy medic, living 40 years on a commune, working every trade under the sun, and being a prolific artist working in a variety of mediums, who now resides in Petaluma.

  • Sarah Reith

    Sarah was born into a circus family in San Francisco, and ran away to join the army as soon as she turned 18. She was a parachute rigger at the jump school on Fort Benning, Georgia, where one of her incidental duties was “wind dummy,” or jumping out of an airplane ahead of a class of airborne students so the instructors could check the wind conditions. After concluding that life as a dummy lacked intellectual stimulation, she used her GI Bill to earn a BA in creative writing at Mills College for women. She worked as a bike messenger and a barista for some years before going back to school in Germany. She studied for her MA in German literature in the shadow of a medieval castle, burying her nose in little yellow volumes with very dense print and lots of umlauts. She is currently a reporter in Mendocino County, working on her second novel.

  • Randy Schlotthauer

    Randy began painting after taking an art appreciation class at the SRJC. He commented, "I saw how Jackson Pollock painted his art and figured I could do that… and I've been painting ever since." Randy infuses his paintings with an emotional, abstract narrative that's kept him engaged since 1997.

  • Aaron Webb

    Aaron began his life delving into the creative process early, and carried it forward to study fashion design and creative writing. After enlisting in the United States Navy in 2004, Aaron served 7 years on active duty, which included combat operations in Iraq. It is through these experiences that he rekindled his passion for the visual arts, discovering abstract painting as a way to navigate his emotional and physical responses to his experiences overseas. He has since evolved, grown his work and voice, and currently resides and creates from his studio in Petaluma, California.

  • Dustin Bonivert

    Dustin is a painter and veteran living in California, who describes his art as a combination of dreams from two different times in his life; his pop-culture-fueled childhood toy mania, flushed into the malaria fever dreams of a combat veteran. Dustin takes inspiration from Afghanistan's landscapes and through his surrealistic art style, shares his peaceful hopes and dreams for veterans, Afghans, and small monkeys alike.

  • Bob Collins

    After graduating from University of Oregon with a degree in journalism & photography, Bob was drafted, served in the army, and was deployed to Vietnam as a combat photographer in 1968. Bob continued his pursuit of photographic expressions throughout his life while traveling and residing in over 30 locations throughout Europe, Australia, Western U.S and Crimea. He has a commercial-multi instrument pilot license, extensive experience in importation of European wine, and is a legal authentication expert for counterfeit wine. Bob’s photographic focus is in landscape, portraiture, and the human condition.

  • John MacKay

    John became enamored with the seemingly endless possibilities of working with color since learning about projecting liquid color backgrounds and light shows for rock and roll bands. By 1966 he had his own light show company, putting on illuminated spectacles until joining the Army. John pursued his fascination with color and art as a garden designer in Sonoma Valley, and after the fires of 2016 he became a full-time artist. John mused, “I still, like a child, am thrilled as one color interacts with another.”

  • John Nesbitt

    Mr. John Nesbitt graduated with a Masters of Fine Arts in oil painting & drawing from the University of California at Davis, and was graduate assistant to the famed Wayne Thiebaud’.

    John teaches classical drawing techniques from the European Impressionist era. As an Oil Painter Mr. Nesbitt’s expression is the influence of the great painter Salvador Dali. The combination of awake experiences with landscape and dream state experiences reflect the content of many of John’s paintings.

  • Dave Fernandes

    Dave Fernandes is a Viet Nam Vet 68-69. He received a B.A. in Creative Arts with an emphasis in photography from San Francisco State Class of 1975. Although he gave up photography in 1979, in 2012 he was given a Nikon D40 camera. For the next few years he played around with it but said it wasn't as much fun without a darkroom! Last year, upon moving from Napa to the Veterans Home in Yountville, that attitude changed and shooting photographs became fun again. Dave began hanging out at the art center there doing photography and got into making Giclee prints. Dave is excited to begin exhibiting his prints, being a part of our first annual ‘ Veteran Art Day,’ and exclaimed, “I hope you enjoy my art!”

  • David Clancy

    David Clancy brings a background in theatre, music, and dance along with decades of experience in finance and leadership to his work as an artist.This unique combination can be seen in his paintings as they explore feelings about the world we live in, work and our daily lives. After making Northern California his home with his family, David renewed his passion for painting. His work has been shown at several Juried and Members’ Exhibitions in Sebastopol and Santa Rosa. A veteran himself, David helped start the local chapter of Guitars 4 Vets in Sonoma County. He has graduated a number of vets and loves seeing them receive their nice, free guitars!

  • Reginald Green

    Reggie was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and is a 15 -year, medically retired Navy Veteran. Reggie got into art to heal, explore his creativity, and to do something positive and productive to shift his focus off his highly debilitating migraines, anxiety/depression, and lower back pain that he acquired from his active duty service.

    Reggie took it upon himself to learn the basics of molding, painting, sculpting and began creating art utilizing influences from Egyptian, Moorish, Mayan, African and other ancient civilizations/cultures.

    Reggie currently lives in San Diego, CA., is working out of the VETART’s School of Ceramics and Glass studio in Vista, Ca., and recently started his own LLC: “Reggie’s World Of Fine Art”

  • Jerry Spillers

    My name is Jerry. I am an eighty year old man living in Marysville, California. I am a retired veteran of thirty-three years of military service in the United States Navy. I enjoy wood working of any type, if I vision it, I’ll attempt to make it. I have for many years had a strong desire to draw/sketch. I have read numerous books of instructions concerning this matter to no avail. I am also a person who learns best by doing, looking at it and imitating it. Portraits are my nemesis, try as I may, to no avail. I am also not a quitter, I shall overcome this obstacle, in time.

  • Maria Ysela Galan-Dupree

    Maria is proud of her Mexican roots, and her 23 years of military service. Maria suffered a heart attack in 2019 and found VETART.ORG to be inspirational and a significant emotional prescription for her healing. Maria is now an emerging artist; her art pieces have been presented at local art shows and are featured in art displays around California. Her medium is mostly sculpture and mostly works with Black Mountain (MTN), Porcelain, and Polymer Clay.

    Maria has a Masters in Counseling Psychology; she is retired from San Diego County Mental Health, and The Chula Vista VET Center, which entailed providing counseling for combat Veterans and military sexual trauma (MST) victims.

  • Tonya Savice

    Tonya said, “As a retired Air Force disabled veteran, I serve as Director of Veteran Advocacy for the Veterans Art Project; I am a certified Peer Support Specialist, QPR Suicide Gate Keeper, Founder of, and last but not least I am an artist.

    I am inspired by butterflies, roses, hearts, and crosses. The butterflies signify the transformation I’m constantly going through on my journey of healing. The thorns on the rose are the sticky parts of my life. Yet, I’m reminded about the beauty that comes when the rose starts to bloom. The heart reflects the love we all thrive for. I continue to spread it wherever I go. Finally, the cross is my foundation of hope. Without hope there is nothing to thrive for.”

  • Stella Stratton

    Stella is a native Californian, born 1950 in San Bernardino. Stella tried their hand at sketching and sculpture, before becoming enthralled with photography. It was by chance that Stella needed to choose an elective in High School, and that opportunity opened doors to picking/taking up a camera, and developing a deep respect for Ansel Adams and landscape photography. “It’s a good thing that I’m an introvert, it allows me to always observe from the outer edge.” Stella now lives in Windsor, enjoys music and their kitty, Sapphire.